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Global Order Form Phase 2
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 22, 2024

Version control

...the KPT version was v10. (Versions 1-9 calculated a sample cost within KPT.) Currently I see no way of capturing the KPT version in the GOF such that it's easily identifiable, especially if multiple KPT versions need to be submitted. (Happens in NA a LOT!) I was able to manually add "v10" to the reference field but that could easily be forgotten. PLEASE consider adding a field to capture KPT version. (Also note - if a spec in KPT needs revising, the version # is incremented. And if other versions are created in between, this revision incrementation may not be in numeric order.)

Division Insights
Were you debriefed on the purpose of the Global Order Form, by your SDM Market Lead/Operations? Yes, I understand the purpose
Type of Change Request Change a specific Field within GOF - Type change
Summary I used an extract from KPT to import into the GOF. Upon doing so, the reference number assigned match the KPT ref # BUT...
Is the date of submission 2 weeks away from deadline? Unsure
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