...the KPT version was v10. (Versions 1-9 calculated a sample cost within KPT.) Currently I see no way of capturing the KPT version in the GOF such that it's easily identifiable, especially if multiple KPT versions need to be submitted. (Happens in NA a LOT!) I was able to manually add "v10" to the reference field but that could easily be forgotten. PLEASE consider adding a field to capture KPT version. (Also note - if a spec in KPT needs revising, the version # is incremented. And if other versions are created in between, this revision incrementation may not be in numeric order.)
Division | Insights |
Were you debriefed on the purpose of the Global Order Form, by your SDM Market Lead/Operations? | Yes, I understand the purpose |
Type of Change Request | Change a specific Field within GOF - Type change |
Summary | I used an extract from KPT to import into the GOF. Upon doing so, the reference number assigned match the KPT ref # BUT... |
Is the date of submission 2 weeks away from deadline? | Unsure |